How You Can Benefit

Services I Provide For My Clients

Leadership Coaching

Enhance your Leadership Skills based on your individual strengths.

On-the-Job Coaching

Take me with you into your daily work routine and I will coach you on the spot.

Presentation Coaching

Be authenic and impactful in your presence as a leader.

Leadership Coaching​

Polish your leadership skills based on your individual strengths. Coaching for conscious leadership and sustainable leadership skills. Finding a coach is like finding a sparring partner who will help you partner who helps you stick to your vision for yourself and your company, and who your vision for yourself and your company, and who notices your patterns and behaviors so that ultimately make healthier decisions.

On-the-job Coaching

Sometimes things are not so easy to explain in conversations. Sometimes things are easier to work on when they come up in the situation itself - on the spot, so to speak. Take me with you into your everyday work and together we will uncover possible blind spots.

Presentation Coaching

Presenting with impact is easier than you might think. Whether in front of employees, colleagues, potential investors or the board of directors - with the right technique and structure you will manage to present effectively and authentically at the same time. In a hands-on approach, we compare your own perception with that of others and ensure a sustainable upgrade of your presentation skills. Finding a coach is like finding a sparring partner who can help you sparring partner who helps you stick to your vision for yourself and your your vision for yourself and your business, and who notices your patterns and behaviors so that ultimately make healthier choices.

How it works?

Step by Step to Success

It all starts with a single first step.

With a clear process and at the same time plenty of room for individuality, we will guide you to more clarity and improve your leadership skills.

Ready to start?

Let's analyze what your challenges and goals are and examine how we can best move you forward in your current situation.

We determine our mutual expectations of the collaboration. You develop a clear target scenario with my support.
We use various tools to shed light on your effectiveness as a leader. In doing so, we create a strengths and weaknesses profile.
Coaching & Practical transfer
We look at the causes and background of the situation and develop solution steps based on your strengths. At the same time we ensure the transfer to your daily life.
Continuous Evaluation
We continuously review your KPIs and evaluate your improved skills.